What People Are Saying
“Climate Engine is a powerful cloud solution that has enabled NOAA to rapidly create and disseminate critical climate and drought information in ways previously not possible. As an innovative cloud-first tool, the Climate Engine has tremendous potential to complement NOAA's cloud efforts, such as NOAA’s Big Data Project, moving forward.”
— Steve Ansari, NOAA - NCEI
“The Climate Engine leverages a powerful computational server network to provide geospatial data and statistical analysis in a lightweight, web-based user interface. This allows users with limited resources access to previously overwhelming datasets and provides tools for analysis of vegetation, climate, hydrology, and trends at local, regional, continental, or global scales. The tools have aided FEWS NET scientists to identify life-threatening drought conditions in Africa and initiate relief plans to provide aid to distressed regions.”
— Marty Landsfeld, FEWS NET, University of Santa Barbara, Geography Department
“Climate Engine turns the process of downloading and working with remotely-sensed data on its head. Formerly we had to extract zip files from government agency websites and do all of the pre-processing ourselves. Now the process is quicker and easier than ever leading to faster outcomes. I hope to see Climate Engine expanded in the future.”
— Tom Dilts, University of Nevada, Reno, GIS and Remote Sensing Scientist
“Precipitation and potential evaporation are the fundamental elements in the hydrologic cycle. They are required parameters for mine water management during both operational and closure phases. These basic parameters, however, are often not readily available at early mine planning stage, especially at remote mine sites where meteorological data is scarce. Climate Engine developed by DRI and the University of Idaho provides a simple, accurate, and useful climate estimating tool for mining engineers and hydrologists when dealing with site-wide water management during life-of-mine and in closure.”
— Johnny Zhan, Barrick Gold
“Climate Engine provides specialists with the opportunity to essentially go back in time and see how our Western landscapes have changed due to changes in climate over the past few decades. It‘s able to quantitatively analyze years of data in a matter of a few seconds.”
— Sarah Peterson, Bureau of Land Management, Nevada State Office, Soil-Water-Air-Riparian Programs Lead
“Climate Engine caters to all audiences: those looking for straight info and context, and those who will want to play around more with the tech. The mapping examples (capabilities) for drought information are especially powerful. It’s clear that Climate Engine provides a much-needed platform for collaboration where the cooperative efforts it facilitates can be more readily realized for planning and decision-making at any scale.”
— MacKenzie Friedrichs, Geomatics Analyst, Stinger Ghaffarian Tech., U..S. Geological Survey Contractor, EROS
“The historical remote sensing data and the tools in Climate Engine helped in a recent water right dispute by producing information showing the historical irrigation of a water right. Climate Engine analyzed massive amounts of remote sensing data in a few minutes that would have taken weeks without Climate Engine.”
— William J Kramber, Senior Remote Sensing Analyst, Idaho Dept. of Water Resources
“Climate Engine has proven to be a useful tool in assisting the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) with monitoring the agricultural land fallowing programs it administers in Southern Nevada. The analyses and data products available in Climate Engine not only enables SNWA to ground truth and monitor fallowed fields, but also to coordinate with local stakeholders to assure that both SNWA and parties still irrigating can cooperatively utilize their respective water rights in the most effective manner possible.”
— Sean Collier Hydrologist, Southern Nevada Water Authority
“The alacrity and ease of downloading data with Climate Engine makes working with remotely-sensed data much more productive. Furthermore, the extensive data repository allows for the use of data sets that are often too large or expensive for many users. Taken together, Climate Engine allows for rapid visualization and analyses of important natural resource data, as well as the production of intuitive and relatable products. I hope the development of this powerful tool continues.”
— Mike McVay, Water Resource Engineer, Idaho Department of Water Resources
“Climate Engine will help inform our agency’s policymakers of current trends and historical patterns and provide them scientifically and statistically justifiable methods of analysis to back up their decisions.”
— Ben Britton, Software Engineer II, Internet Mapping, Idaho Department of Water Resources